The soul of lower prices
16.1 – 14.2.2010
Christiansand kunstforening
Various sculptural works reflecting on the history of the Scandinavian grocery market: from a multitude of independent shops to a few generic chains. A follow-up to “Subprice”, 2007
“Mange av oss utviklet en finstemt følelse for billig og dyrt, som om kroppen responderer forskjellig på 8,90 og 12,50. Det er helt ulike stemninger.”
The spear bearer noodles, epoxy, found image 35 x 28 cm 2010
Knock the ”t” off the “can't” Discount flyers, pedestial 123 x 57 x 31 cm 2010
Drowning is a silent killer Pvc, epoxy, shoes 38 x 182 x 120 cm 2009
Smiley-Face Feelings Guide (detail) Silkscreen print 90 x 70 cm 2009
The Soul of lower Prices Inkjet print 121 x 97 cm 2010
Discount Development Inkjet print 60 x 48 cm 2010
Hat on stick Pvc, discount flyers 200 x 33 x 33 cm 2010